Building the
Control Form

To save a lot of tricky drawing I use a table to hold the track coordinates. There's then a VBA routine which draws the relevant objects onto the form. This routine will still need some work, and I may add the loco control functions as well.

The Table DwgData

Each element is given a unique reference beginning with C for a standard piece of track and P for a point. Each point has two elements representing the two possible settings. Each element then needs start and end coordinates. These are scaled by the software so can be real positions from a known datum, I've only shown a couple of points and 4 pieces of track here. Note that you can't draw curves! For the test layout I just used the ends of each Setrack curve, however I may get more sophisticated later.

Ref X1 Y1 X2 Y2
C001 1093.521 508.507 919.521 508.507
P01A 919.521 508.507 832.521 508.507
P01B 919.521 508.507 832.521 491.114
C002 832.521 508.507 310.521 508.507
P02A 223.521 508.507 310.521 508.507
P02B 223.521 508.507 310.521 491.114
C003 746.021 473.718 398.021 473.718
C004 398.021 473.718 310.521 491.114

The Code

There is a bit of complexity to this routine. I've tried to comment where useful

Function BuildF()

Rem Function to build Control Form

Const Fn = "Ctr"		'Form Name
Const FW = 19			'Width of drawing on form (in cm)
Const FH = 14			'Height of drawing
Const FT = 1			'Top margin
Const FL = 1			'Left margin

PM = 1440 / 2.54		'Conversion - Access uses 1440ths of an inch!

Set Dbs = CurrentDb

X1Mn = DMin("X1", "DwgData")	'We need to work out the scaling factors 
X1Mx = DMax("X1", "DwgData")
X2Mn = DMin("X2", "DwgData")
X2Mx = DMax("X2", "DwgData")
Y1Mn = DMin("Y1", "DwgData")
Y1Mx = DMax("Y1", "DwgData")
Y2Mn = DMin("Y2", "DwgData")
Y2Mx = DMax("Y2", "DwgData")

If X1Mn > X2Mn Then
DL = X2Mn
DL = X1Mn
End If

If X1Mx > X2Mx Then
DW = X1Mx - DL
DW = X2Mx - DL
End If

If Y1Mx > Y2Mx Then
DT = Y1Mx
DT = Y2Mx
End If

If X1Mn > X2Mn Then
DH = DT - Y2Mn
DH = DT - Y1Mn
End If

If DH / FH > DW / FW Then
DV = DH / FH				'DV is the resulting scaling factor for the coordinates
DV = DW / FW
End If

SelQ = "Select * from DwgData"
Set Rst = Dbs.OpenRecordset(SelQ)
While Not Rst.EOF
  LX1 = (Rst.X1 - DL) / DV		'Calculate the scaled coordinates for the element
  LX2 = (Rst.X2 - DL) / DV
  LY1 = (DT - Rst.Y1) / DV		
  LY2 = (DT - Rst.Y2) / DV
  If LX1 > LX2 Then			'Access form controls are located by the left hand end, top, width and height and slant
    LL = LX2
    LW = LX1 - LX2
    X = 2
    LL = LX1
    LW = LX2 - LX1
    X = 1
  End If
  If LY1 > LY2 Then
    LT = LY2
    LH = LY1 - LY2
    Y = 2
    LT = LY1
    LH = LY2 - LY1
    Y = 1
  End If
  If X = Y Then
    SLT = False
    SLT = True
  End If
  LNN = Rst.Ref

  Set Ctrl = CreateControl(Fn, acLine, acDetail, , , (FL + LL) * PM, (FT + LT) * PM, LW * PM, LH * PM)
  Ctrl.Name = LNN
  Forms(Fn).Controls(LNN).LineSlant = SLT
  Forms(Fn).Controls(LNN).BorderWidth = 2
  If Left(LNN, 1) = "P" And Right(LNN, 1) = "B" Then
    Forms(Fn).Controls(LNN).BorderColor = 64250			'Inactive route on point is yellow
    Forms(Fn).Controls(LNN).BorderColor = 64000			'Everything else is green
  End If

  If Left(LNN, 1) = "P" And Right(LNN, 1) = "A" Then		'Add a command button to each point
    BL = LL
    BT = LT + 0.75
    BW = 0.75
    BH = 0.5
    BNN = "PT" & Mid(LNN, 2, 2)
    Set Ctrl = CreateControl(Fn, acCommandButton, acDetail, , , (FL + BL) * PM, (FT + BT) * PM, BW * PM, BH * PM)
    Ctrl.Name = BNN
    Forms(Fn).Controls(BNN).OnClick = "=SetP(" & Mid(LNN, 2, 2) & ")"		'Calls the SetP routine
    Forms(Fn).Controls(BNN).Caption = Mid(LNN, 2, 2)
  End If


End Function


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